Grab your calendar. Turn to May 20th and mark in big bold letters – World Organising Day. If your calendar is electronic, go the extra step and tick the box to make it a recurring annual event.

Yes, May 20th is World Organising Day, each and every year. Last year was the first, thanks to the International Federation of Professional Organizing Associations (IFPOA). To watch this year’s announcement (and then share far and wide with clients and potential clients), click here.

Isn’t it wonderful that organising professionals are available all over the world? The languages spoken by organisers are many and yet we all speak the same language.

Last year, ahead of the big day, I surveyed organisers in Australia about how they would celebrate. Here’s what they said.

Now it’s over to you. How will you celebrate World Organising Day? Here are just 10 ideas:

  1. Create a decluttering challenge
  2. Host an online workshop
  3. Host an in person event
  4. Share a “behind the scenes” peek into your organised home
  5. Share daily organising tips in countdown to May 20th
  6. Do some pro bono work for a worthy charity
  7. Make a special limited time offer
  8. Create a decluttering playlist to motivate your followers
  9. Inspire with success stories
  10. Secure an interview on the radio

I’m sure you can come up with more creative ideas, and I’d love to hear them. On the other hand, if you are stuck for ideas, book in a consult with me. Let’s work something out so that you and your business can flourish on May 20th and every day of the year.

Whatever it takes, get the message – your message – out there.


World Organising Day


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