Creating Order from Chaos To Do ListIt’s high time I let you know what’s going on at Creating Order from Chaos.

As usual, I’ve been busy working with my head down. One thing I’ve noticed about myself is that I have a tendency to put too many things on my to do list, and then I work frantically to get them all done. Sure, I get a lot done, but I also get worn out. Lately, I’ve been able to get really clear about where I should be spending my time and energy.

It’s time to let you know what I’ll be doing from now on. There will be some changes that affect you, and some you may not even notice.

Here’s what I will be doing. The list is long:

Virtual Consultations

One thing the pandemic has shown us is that we don’t need to be together in the same room to achieve organising success. I have been doing virtual consultations for many years. More recently that has increased further and I’ve helped many clients declutter and organise via Zoom calls. If you’re interested in hearing more about virtual consultations and whether they could work for you, let’s arrange a chat.


Teaching is one of my favourite things to do, so this won’t stop. Every month I teach a webinar for organisers. Sometimes it’s a how-to topic that’s also great for people wanting to declutter and organise for themselves.

Blog Posts

Each week I write a blog article about the organising world (or my world). If there’s a topic you want to know more about, use the Search bar to find an article on that subject. If I haven’t written one yet, I am taking suggestions. You can see some recent blog posts here.

Occasional Chronicle Newsletter

I won’t disturb my organising clients often with a newsletter, but if there is exciting news, or something coming up that I think you’d be interested in, I’ll let you know in a Chronicle newsletter. You can sign up to receive that in the sidebar. Of course you can unsubscribe at any time. No hard feelings.

Weekly PO News

Every single week I send a PO News newsletter to my organising colleagues and anyone wanting to start an organising career. If you’d like to be on that list, you can sign up in the sidebar.

Training & Mentoring Organising

I have a strong desire to pass my skills and knowledge on to my colleagues, and so I train and mentor both experienced and up-and-coming organisers. If that’s something you want to know more about, take a look at my Professional Organiser Training and The Professional Organiser’s Edge program.

Find Organising Help Directory

As I will concentrate on decluttering and organising via virtual consultations from now on, it’s more important than ever that I keep my directory of professional organisers going. The list comprises of organisers trained by me or who I know will give good service. You’ll find organisers from all over Australia ready to help you. If you know someone who should be listed in the directory, let me know.

Hoarding Home Solutions

My esteemed colleague, Wendy Hanes, CPO, CPO-CD, and I created Hoarding Home Solutions. We provide online training that empowers people to work effectively with confidence and compassion to resolve a hoarding situation. We’ve been working with government departments, housing services, outreach agencies, professional organisers, specialist cleaners, and the loved ones of people who hoard. You can find out more about that training here.

Facebook Tips

I just can’t help myself. I love to share tips, hacks, news and inspiration with my Facebook followers. You can visit the Creating Order from Chaos page here, and the Professional Organiser’s Edge page here, and Hoarding Home Solutions here.

I’m here to help

I’ve cut a lot from my Creating Order from Chaos To Do List but if the list of things I’m still doing is this long, I was obviously doing too much before! Please wish me luck as I try to stick to my new commitment to do less more effectively. I wish the same for you.

If there’s any way I can help you, please let me know.


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