Organise email inboxIs your email out of control? Look no further. Organise email once and for all with tips galore in this edition of Organising Wisdom.

Amanda Lecaude from Organising You – Organising Students shares her 6 steps to taking back control in Organising your inbox – Is your inbox out of control?

Check out Amy Revell from Simply Organised and her Simply Organised Emails video.

Tracey Warren from Professional Organising Solutions wrote about Reducing Email Overwhelm.

My own tips can be found in Take Control of Email and My Email Busting Tip – 5 weeks of email in just 60 minutes.  Yes, really!

For good listening and great tips to organise email, check out Get-It-Done Guy’s Quick & Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More, episode 461 Control Email Using Custom Domains and Catch-All Emails. I always learn good tips from him.

I can remember the very first email I sent.  It was to a pen friend in London. We had been handwriting letters to each other for years.  I would write, post the letter to the UK and it would take about a week to get there.  Then my friend would reply and the same amount of time lapsed on the journey to me.  I looked forward to seeing the airmail letter and the stamps, and I would take care with my reply.  Then we got a computer, the internet and I was ready to send my first email to her.  I carefully crafted my letter, checked it over and hit Send with a big sigh.  I turned to my husband who had coached me through the process and asked, “When will it arrive?”  He said, “It’s there already”.  And my mind was blown.  So much has happened since then.

What’s your best email organising tip?






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