In the past I’ve talked about the importance of delegation.  Here’s something that will help that process along.  Check out Chore Buster.  You get to select all the tasks that need doing, how often they should be done, enter the people available to do those tasks, and Chore Buster will generate a chore chart.  And it’s all a free service.

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1 Comment
  1. Helen 16 years ago

    Angela I’ve used chorebuster from a long time – I think it was one of the first sites I blogged about!! It’s great – we’ve got it pinned to our fridge right now. Kids aren’t too fussed but what I like about one of the latest improvements they implemented is you can have check boxes next to the chores (ask for it in the printing stage). I print out a family one for the fridge and my daughter likes her own personal one that she keeps in her room. If you”re really keen you can set up emails to be sent every week – I turned that off!! You can also print out a months chores in advance which isn’t a bad idea for when you are super busy eg NOW!

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