I try to save my clients money by deliberately not recommending a multitude of products. Often “organising products” are a part of the clutter problem. Occasionally, once the sorting and purging is done, we’ll buy in some specific products which fit the solution.
There is one thing I recommend to most clients, and that’s a shredder. These days, information equals power. You don’t want anyone else to have power over you by using your information. So get a good shredder and use it regularly. At first you may have a lot to shred. Remember to use the machine in short bursts, only 5 minutes at a time, as shredders work hard and the motor can overheat.
Your shreddings will be welcome at pet stores, in a worm farm or the compost bin, or as mulch in your garden. You can recycle it to make homemade paper. Or just toss it into your recycling bin.