2009 has been an eventful year around here.  And for you too I’m sure.  Now’s a great time to stop and reflect and share some moments from the year past.

Together we worked on the Creating Order 2009 Declutter Challenge! from start to finish.

I got deep and meaningful with The most productive afternoon of my life and Needs vs. Wants.

One very popular post was How to Display Children’s Art.

There was a Save Time series, starting with Save Time in the Laundry.

We talked about how to find time to get organised in No Time to Declutter?, 21 Ways to Get Organised in Just 5 Minutes and 5 Organising Tasks in 5 Minutes Each.

Achieving my Expert Accreditation was really important to me, and I was happy to share the journey with you in The Journey to Expert.

2009 has been a year of travelling for me, with conferences galore as well as travel for pleasure.  In Quick and Easy Packing for Travel I shared my formula for keeping travel simple.

Together we went on a Decluttering Adventure, with the first post, Decluttering Adventure – the Roadmap.

There was a moving story in My Mother’s Garden.

Readers got to listen to my interview with ABC presenter, Craig Zonca, in The Story of Me & My Cookie Cutters.

I urged a clutter-free Christmas with my Angela’s Advent series, starting with Angela’s Advent, Day 1.

And that was the year that was.  Wishing you all a fabulous 2010 filled with adventures with happy endings. 🙂

1 Comment
  1. Pam 15 years ago

    Well, I must admit defeat. I didn’t make my 2009 declutter challenge, I made it to 1580 items. I just couldn’t keep up for the last couple of months or so, but I also did manage to get rid of a lot of things. My challenge to myself is to conduct a 2010 declutter challenge! I started with last year’s calendar…

    Maybe this time I will succeed. Wish me luck

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