I am a lucky girl.  Not only do I have great friends but one of them showered me with gifts just the other day.  And not only that, she knows me so well, she managed to find the perfect gifts for me.  One of them I just had to share with you.  It’s a book called “List Your Self – Listmaking as the Way to Self-Discovery” by Ilene Segalove and Paul Bob Velick, and it’s full of almost blank pages.  At the top of each page is a sentence like, “List the movies you’ve seen that were really worth 2 hours of your life” and “List the rivers you have crossed”.  My heart skipped a beat when I opened it.  I love lists, and these lists are like little peep-holes into my soul with endless possibilities.  I know exactly what I’ll be doing on my days and moments off.

If you love lists as much as I do, and want to grab a copy of this book, I have found Andrew’s Books always very helpful.

  1. Angela
    This post has given US a peep into your soul! Thankyou for sharing your excitement and such lovely writing.
    My heart skipped a beat when I opened it. I love lists, and these lists are like little peep-holes into my soul with endless possibilities. I know exactly what I’ll be doing on my days and moments off.

  2. Janet Barclay 15 years ago

    What a cool idea! I just received a Chapters gift card from one of my clients… maybe I could get myself a copy! And ooh I see there is a second volume too!

  3. […] creatingorderfromchaos I am one lucky duck.  A little while ago I told you about how I loved the gift of a List Book, which is just so perfect for me.  Well, I got another Christmas gift from a good friend which is […]

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