Part of being organised is living within our means.  Staying out of consumer debt allows you to live stress free.  And by living debt-free and avoiding credit card interest, you’ll actually achieve more financially.

What better time than right now at the start of the new financial year in Australia to set up a budget to help you stay in the black?

To help you get started I’ve found some online resources. has great articles about saving budget, lots of tips, a forum and newsletter, all designed to help you save money.

The ANZ Bank has a great range of resources, including a Budget Planner, Calculators, the Money Makeover, and the Money Manager which was highly recommended to me.

The Commonwealth Bank brings you a budget planner which could be good starter. is brought to you by the Australian Government and gives you a really workable budget spreadsheet to use as your own.

So good luck with that budget.  I’ll be setting mine for the new financial year too.

  1. Emma 16 years ago

    I love as a source of information on saving money too

  2. Avatar photo Author
    creatingorderfromchaos 16 years ago

    Thanks for that tip, Emma. 🙂

  3. Sarah 15 years ago

    Like the article thanks Emma!

    I tried but couldnt get past the idea that I had to pay money for it. I logged in and the tips were rather average and involved REALLY becoming tight. Eg; Missing out on the finer things in life.

    I have also checked out – they are a free version with regular updates. I like to read this over a coffee during my morning tea break. Whoever runs the site seems to be constantly adding new content and it is always an interesting read.

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