Sometimes doing very little can be the most productive work of all.

Years ago, while on holidays, my husband and I sat down with a bottle of wine and a writing pad.  We’d picked a lovely secluded and shady spot on the beach.  The view stretched before us and the waves crashed on the sand.  That afternoon is still etched so clearly in my mind because it was a turning point in my life.

Why?  That was the day I made a real difference to my time management.

Surprised?  Don’t be.  It was actually one of the most romantic afternoons as well.  Together we talked about our dreams and plans for the future, a future together.  And the good news was, we wanted the same things.  We mapped out great big goals.  Our goals, our plan, our future.  It was a moment of great joy to realise the one I love shared the same dreams as me.  Bliss.

So what does that have to do with time management?  Well, only everything!  Great time management starts with knowing what you want from life.  That first step of goal-setting is key.  Take that step first and the rest will follow.

With summer here in Australia, now is the perfect time to take time out of the everyday rush to do some big-picture planning.  Sit quietly, either alone or with your partner, and dream big.  You never know where it will lead you.  And like me, it could be the most productive afternoon of your life.

Want to know more?  Call to speak with me about the Effective Time Management Workshop.

  1. Wendy Davie 16 years ago

    What a beautiful post.

  2. Karen Wallace 16 years ago

    Sounds terrific Angela – thanks for the reminder. Sometimes the most valuable times are the ones we spend connecting, planning, dreaming…

  3. Narelle 16 years ago

    Knowing where you want to go and what you are working towards are essential. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “The world makes way for the (wo)man who knows where (s)he is going.” And how wonderful that you and Greg are headed in the same direction.

  4. […] got deep and meaningful with The most productive afternoon of my life and Needs vs. […]

  5. Janet Barclay 15 years ago

    This makes a lot of sense. So often we try to do our planning while sitting in our offices, surrounded by work clamouring for our attention. Get away from all that and our minds will be so much clearer!

    Hmm, I wonder if my husband/business partner and I could write off the cost of a weekend away if we spent part of the time making plans for the business! 😉

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