1:1 Mentoring
Are you ready to take your organising business to the next level?
Angela Esnouf, veteran of the organising industry in Australia, offers 1:1 mentoring.
These private and customised sessions can be used for:
- accountability
- workshopping client challenges
- business planning
- building confidence and skills
- or any other support the organiser needs
You’ll be amazed at how much can be achieved in as little as 30 to 60 minutes.
Mentoring is available for $180 per hour.
Your investment in yourself and your business will be invaluable.
Contact Angela to see if this is a right fit for you.
Want even more of a business boost? Consider a Professional Organiser’s Edge membership.
Here’s what people are saying:
I want to send a big thankyou to Angela Esnouf, a friend, a mentor and a wise lady. My conversation with Angela today helped me validate where I was heading in my business and to accept the ebbs and flows with positivity. Thanks Angela, what you offer is truly invaluable. Marion Ivermee-Villarosa, A Place of Calm
Thank you so much Angela for being my mentor. I greatly appreciate the quality of information you provided me with throughout our sessions. You are a professional and trustworthy person who gives their best at all times. You provide a unique service to professional organisers and I would highly recommend you as a mentor along with your Professional Organisers Edge program. I feel more confident, more motivated, my outlook has broadened and my knowledge is deeper because of you. You were able to answer all of my questions with solid answers. I look forward to reaping the rewards of your advice in the future. You are a true lady Angela. Vicki Koutroubas, Your Personal Organiser