Getting Organised Starts Here
Are you ready to get organised? It all starts with a chat on the phone. Let me hear your story. What’s holding you back? What are your organising challenges? Am I the right organiser for you? This initial chat is, of course, free of charge. Call me (Angela) on 0403 164 468 to get the ball rolling.
Distance is no barrier to getting organised with me. In fact, I now consult exclusively by virtual consultations.
Phone, Zoom, FaceTime or Skype Consultations are ideal for any organising project, from time management to clearing the clutter. They are conducted at a time and pace to suit you.
- We start with discovering your goals and individual needs.
- Then we move on to quick wins to get you on the path to organised.
- Each session will bring you closer to your goals.
- Each virtual consultation lasts from 30 minutes and costs start at $60.
- You can tailor a virtual consultation package to suit your needs and budget.
- You receive customised guidance; tips and suggestions; ongoing support, and accountability.
Read what others have to say…
Just a phone call will get you on track – I was always fairly organised – but I had a heavy secret – Angela gave me the insight I needed to let go of my magazine collection and after 5 years, it hasn’t returned.
Marina McHutchison, Queensland
I really enjoyed our phone session and you have stirred more enthusiasm in me. Maybe I can convert from hoarder to order!
Mandy, Melbourne
Thank you for your help via our phone conversations on clearing clutter. Thank you for your support, and please know that it was a pleasure to spend time speaking with you and hearing your calming, thoughtful suggestions about a way forward.
C.G., Perth

Are you ready to help others Get Organised?
Then one of these options will be right for you…
Online Professional Organiser Training and Intro to Your Professional Organiser Career are great for those beginning their organiser career.
The Professional Organiser’s Edge is an ever-growing professional development and mentoring program for new and experienced organisers.
Events & Classes for Professional Organisers. There’s something to support every part of your organiser career.