Solutions for Hoarding: Four Alternatives to Rapid Clean-Out

Friday 5 April
1:30 pm-3:00 pm
Fort Worth

Together with Wendy Hanes, Angela Esnouf will present Solutions for Hoarding: Four Alternatives to Rapid Clean-Out at the National Association of Productivity & Organizing Professionals (NAPO) conference in Fort Worth, Texas.

Hoarding is not a problem fixed quickly, or in isolation.  Media often focus on extreme decluttering as being the solution to a hoarding problem.  Most people are not aware that there are alternative approaches that may better suit their needs. We’ll look at four alternative approaches and five questions to help you clarify the client’s goal.

After attending this session, participants will be able to…
– Identify whether extreme clutter is the result of hoarding or some other factor
– Clarify client goals in order to bring the best solution
– Understand the pros and cons of the rapid clean out in a hoarding situation
– Understand effective techniques which can help clients who are not in a state of readiness
– Implement the Graded Clean technique, currently considered best practice for long term results
– Implement the GRIP technique, useful for helping clients who have been diagnosed with OCD and severe anxiety disorders
– Engage appropriate services to deliver safe, effective progress
– Recognise common pitfalls that even experienced professional organizers fall into, and how to avoid them

Click here for more information.


Solutions for Hoarding, NAPO 2019

Online bookings are not available for this event.

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