I’ve been active in the organising industry since 2005. I am privileged to have witnessed the industry here in Australia grow and evolve ever since then.
Before I started Creating Order from Chaos, I had questions. It’s the same for every new organiser entering our industry. These days a large part of my business – and one of my favourite things to do – is to answer those questions. It’s important for me to provide an accurate and honest picture of the industry whenever someone asks. I believe in facts. To gather those facts, I conduct an annual organising industry survey. I use Survey Monkey to do that.
Thank you to all who contributed their voice to this year’s snapshot of the organising industry in 2024. There were 76 respondents. 62 of them work as a professional organiser. There were also productivity consultants, concierges, coaches and some who had not yet started their organising business. (For reference, this number is higher than in previous years. I believe that elevated number is due to the wonderful newcomers who had just completed my Intro to Your Professional Organiser Career course.)
The State of the Organising Industry in 2024 survey asked questions about location, business structure, longevity in the field, income, hiring practices, average hourly rate, hours worked in the business and on the business. Respondents were given an opportunity to opt in to receive the full summary of the results, and those who opted have already received that document.
Here are just some of the stats we learned about the state of the organising industry in 2024:
- 50% of respondents had been working in the industry for longer than 5 years.
- 45% of respondents work full time.
- 79% of respondents operate as a sole trader.
- 29% of respondents hire organisers as either staff or subcontractors.
- 32% of respondents work on average 20-29 billable hours per week.
- 63% work 1-9 non-billable hours each week.
I’m pleased to note that the organising industry in 2024 looked healthy. You can look at last year’s results here.
There is another important reason I commission the annual survey. In my role as mentor and trainer, I need to know exactly what organisers – new and experienced – need, so that I can create the resources, training and services that will help them succeed. That’s why I asked the question, “What do you need right now in your organising business?” The top answer was “More clients”. That’s been the top answer for quite a few years now. “More streams of income” and “More profit” tied in next place.
Look out for more resources to help with those challenges, along with lots of other good stuff throughout the year. If you haven’t already, sign up for my weekly PO News to hear about what’s coming up.