Organised Thoughts was set up a year ago today.  Woo hoo!  I’ve had a wonderful time writing it, and sharing along the way.  What makes blogging so special is the relationship you can build with your readers, and I really value that.  My sincere desire is to keep on listening to my readers, so I’d really appreciate any feedback offered.

I thought it might be fun to look back over the past year at some of the most popular posts.

Thanks for visiting on this special day.  Come back soon. 🙂

1 Comment
  1. Karen Wallace 16 years ago

    Happy Anniversary! Sorry it has taken me a while to pop on over here and catch up on your lovely inspirations.

    I cannot believe you’ve been writing this for 12 whole months! Where did it go? I love that your posts are short and sweet, which makes them very easy to read and absorb.

    Thank you and congratulations again.


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