A funny thing happened to me this week.  I got organised.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m pretty organised.  But organising is a process, a journey, not a final destination.

I had two different Professional Organisers come into my home to work on 2 different parts of my home.

Let me explain why an organiser would invite other organisers into her home to help her get organised, how it went, how I felt afterward and what that means for you.


Creating Order from Chaos is growing, so I have handpicked two great Professional Organisers to help me continue to deliver great service to my clients.

I already knew they were good operators.  So that’s not the reason I asked them to treat me as their guinea pig.

To be able to recommend their work I need to know how they work.  Since every organiser has their own style and flair, their own particular strengths and communicates in different ways, I wanted to experience the full service for myself.


As I said, I’m already quite organised.  But there’s always room for improvement.  When I moved into my place over 2 years ago, I set things up really well.  But over time Life happens, things change and your need for systems, storage and daily routines also change.

The organisers arrived for one session each with me.  Before they each arrived I have to admit I was a little nervous.  After all, I was laying my soul bare, opening my home and my own systems up for scrutiny by colleagues I respect.  Of course they put me at ease, and my mild discomfort was soon forgotten.

It took no time at all for them to assess my needs.  They asked probing questions that got me thinking about how I use my space, which routines and systems were still working for me, which needed updating, and which ones were past their use by date.  They helped me sort, make decisions and take action on things which I’d set aside in the “too hard basket” for too long.

They created more free space, both in my home and in my head.

They helped me see things in a new way.  And of them, in their own, added value by giving more than I was expecting.  There was a “wow factor”.


Afterwards I felt lighter, inspired to continue the start we’ve made, relieved that so much had been done in such a short time with so little effort on my part, and very glad that I trusted them enough to let them in.

Even better, I still have that feeling now.


The good news is that these 2 outstanding Professional Organisers are ready to start delivering this same fabulous service to you.  If you’re ready to feel that lightness, inspiration and relief, send your enquiry by clicking here.  We look forward to helping you get organised.



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