Organising Industry Survey Results for 2022


I’ve been active in the organising industry, both here in Australia and overseas since 2005. I’m privileged to be able to witness the industry here in Australia grow and evolve ever since.

Before starting my organising business, I had questions, just like every new organiser entering the industry. Now, one of my favourite things to do is answer those questions. It’s important for me to provide an accurate and honest picture of the industry whenever someone asks. I believe in facts. That’s why each year I conduct an organising industry survey, and I use Survey Monkey to do that.

Thank you to each and every person who contributed to create this year’s snapshot of the industry as it is right now. There were 75 respondents. 66 of them work as a professional organiser. There were also productivity consultants, concierges and coaches.

The organising industry survey asked questions about location, business structure, longevity in the field, income, hiring practices, average hourly rate, hours worked in the business and on the business. Respondents were given an opportunity to opt in to receive the full summary of the results, and those who opted in will soon receive that document.

In the meantime, here are a few stats that came out of the 2022 Organising Industry Survey:

44% of respondents had been working in the industry for longer than 5 years.

64% of respondents work full time.

A whopping 88% of respondents operate as a sole trader.

52% of respondents hire organisers as either staff or subcontractors.

44% of respondents work on average 20-29 billable hours per week.

And 60% work 1-9 non-billable hours each week.

I’d say things are looking healthy for the industry, with improvements in key areas as compared with previous years. Take a look at last year’s results here.

There is another important reason for conducting the annual survey. I need to know exactly what organisers and soon-to-be-organisers need, so that I can create the resources, training and services that will help them succeed. To that end I asked the question, “What do you need right now in your organising business?” The top answer in past years has been “More clients.” It came close to the top again this year but was just pipped at the post by equal-placed “More streams of income”, “More profit” and “Upskill to advanced skills”.

In keeping with my focus on Nurture this year, I will create more resources to help with that, along with lots of other good stuff throughout the year. Be sure to sign up for my weekly PO News to hear about what’s coming up.


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