I’m so grateful for my morning routine, which sets me up for a productive and fun day.  On the days – like today – when I start with my ideal morning routine, I get more done, feel more energetic, spend the day with a smile on my face.  What’s not to be grateful for?


So what does that morning routine look like?  The alarm goes off at 6.15, I throw on the exercise gear and head off for a 45-minute walk with my hubby.  Back for a relaxed breakfast before a brief but effective phone call with my accountability buddy.  Then I either: a) head out to a see a client, or b) head to my desk for work.  Simple but effective.  Starting the day with exercise and companionship really works for me.

Please share your gratitude as well, either here on the blog, on the Facebook page, with your friends and family, or privately in your own gratitude journal.  So what are you grateful for?


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