For a long time I’ve known that a grateful attitude is a wonderful, powerful asset. Privately I practice gratitude daily, moment by moment. It has helped me in every aspect of my life.
I want to share my gratitude publicly now, along with some inspiring and fun ways to “fill your tank”. I promise to share something I’m grateful for each day for the next 60 days.
I invite you to share your gratitude as well. Share it here on the blog, on the Facebook page, with your friends and family, or privately in a gratitude journal.
Recently I spotted a gorgeous framed embroidery at a client’s home. It said “Joy is not in Things. It is in Us.” Boom! How true! How appropriate for the work I do, and for this celebration of gratitude. So I’m calling this series Joy in Us.
… So what am I grateful for today?
Naturally, Day 1 has to be about my family. I am grateful for each and every one of them – all the quirks and qualities, the differences and the sameness, the support and companionship.
What are you grateful for?