Once again I bring you an interview with a woman who gets things done. I spoke to image consultant, Imogen Lamport from Bespoke Image, about how organisation helps her get those things done.

Imogen, how did you get into the work you do?   I have never had a ‘manufacturing standard’ body shape and from my teenage years started wondering why some clothes worked and looked great on me, and others looked atrocious and were completely unflattering, even though those clothes looked fabulous on similar height/weight friends.  The more I read about colours and styles and body shapes, the more intrigued I became.  At the age of 34 I met an image consultant and we got talking and she noticed a flair for image in me and suggested I train to become an image consultant.  I realised that this was the job I’d always wanted to do but never knew existed.  I can’t tell you how blessed and lucky I feel to have stumbled into my ideal career.

Which tasks do you delegate?  Who to?  I delegate my bookkeeping to a fantastic bookkeeper. I realised early on running my business that it’s important if you don’t have the skills to do something, then to get someone else who has them in, to do the task.  My time is best spent consulting, creating products and tools and writing my blog rather than trying to do a bank reconciliation or BAS statement.  I’ve also found a fantastic car mechanic who comes to my home and does it all for me right here while I keep working.

What’s your favourite iPhone app?  Notes: when I’m out and about and I have an idea for anything, from a blog post topic to a great birthday present for a friend I note it down there.

Diary – paper or electronic?  Paper diary, because I am often out and about (in the car, in the shops etc, my office is quite mobile) and if I am talking on the phone trying to pin down a time with a client for a consultation, I need to be able to see my week in front of me.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?  Something like 80 pairs.  They have been collected over a decade or so and I only keep what is in great condition.  I need boots for winter, sandals for summer, shoes to dress up, shoes to walk the dog.  When I was about 20 I went to the doctor complaining of foot pain.  He said to me “either you can wear different shoes each day, as each shoe rubs on a different part of the foot, or you can have painful and expensive podiatry operations, as when you wear the same shoes each day it causes bunions and corns more quickly”.  So I took his advice and started wearing different shoes.

What’s the hardest thing about getting/staying organised?  The constant influx of paper into my life and the lack of time I have as a single mother of two primary school aged kids.

What’s a favourite organising tool?   The Calender plugin for my wordpress blog www.insideoutstyleblog.com allows me to schedule posts and see a month at a time so I can move posts around so the flow (depending on topic and what’s on) works well and is balanced.

Thanks so much Imogen. I think a lot of people can related to the challenges you face as a single parent and business owner.  And I love that you found a car mechanic to simplify your life as well. The “D is for Delegate” message can be extended to so many areas. And finally, thank you for the work you do, from all of us who are not ‘manufacturing standard’.

  1. […] I’m guest posting over at Creating Order from Chaos  about how I organise my life but before you go and read that post, I thought I’d just share […]

  2. Shelley 14 years ago

    I love it! “Honey, why do you own so many shoes?” “Because it’s doctor’s orders, dear!” What a hoot.

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