One way to save time and effort…

Don’t put up a Christmas tree.

There are plenty of alternatives to the full-size Christmas tree laden with decorations.

  • a single bough
  • use a tree in the yard and festoon lightly with tinsel
  • a miniature tree
  • no tree at all?

I heard a woman call in to a radio station.  She was boasting that she had bought 5 artificial trees, along with 5 sets of themed decorations, some years ago.  Each year she assembles and decorates a tree, then simply throws the whole lot out after Christmas.  Am I the only one who thinks this is slightly mad?

PS: All the shortcuts are merely suggestions for the overwhelmed, an invitation to look at traditions a little differently.  Some may work for you, and some may not.

  1. Jennifer Crutchfield 14 years ago

    I agree about throwing it all away. I certainly don’t have the budget for that.

    The year we had a pet dog and a 1 year old child we didn’t have a tree. I couldn’t handle the stress of keeping them both away from it. We hung a tension rod in the front window and strung our favorite decorations from ribbon on that instead. It was very pretty and sometimes we still do it.

  2. Avatar photo Author
    creatingorderfromchaos 14 years ago

    What a great idea Jen! Thanks for sharing that tip.

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