Got your gift shopping done?  Before we get too much closer to the big day, here’s something you could do now (or at least before next year’s Christmas) to reduce the load on both your time and your bank balance…

Agree not to exchange gifts.

There are some people we want to buy for, like children.  There are others we buy for out of habit or a sense of obligation.  If you bring up the subject of not exchanging gifts, don’t be surprised if family and friends fall down on their knees in gratitude for the suggestion!

And anyway, what do you buy someone who has everything?

  1. Coleen 14 years ago

    Or give a donation to a charity such as Meals on Wheels in lieu of gifts. If a group who normally give each other gifts do that, it would make a big difference to those who would possibly go without a special meal on Christmas Day.

  2. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Angela Esnouf, karen wallace. karen wallace said: seriously contemplating this! RT @creatingorder: Could you go this far for a stress-free Christmas? […]

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