“I had the blessing of a heart attack just last year.
It helped me to discard things I didn’t need to carry anymore.”
– Kelsey Grammer
Blessing?! My goodness that’s a philosophical way of looking at such misfortune.
What do you think? Would a life-threatening event make you look at your stuff differently? What would make you discard your things?
Although not life-threatening, it was a big life change that caused me to discard many of my possessions. Several years ago we had to move from our house to an apartment due to a financial setback. Having lived in a house all my life, where storage was never an issue, I had to make some big choices about what I could realistically bring with me. I realized that much of the memorabilia that I’d held onto since childhood had no sentimental value to me at all – my reason for keeping it was “because I’ve always had it.” Not only have I not missed any of those items, I’ve come to realize that there’s even more I can get rid of.