Calm Space Contributor

I’m proud to call myself a Calm Space contributor.  This month the theme for this wonderful online magazine is Opportunity.  I write about the opportunity to make a difference to our lives with good time management.  Other Calm Space contributors share their wisdom about life, relationships, technology, writing, spirituality.  There are also book and music reviews and you just can’t miss the Breathing Space page – its title says it all.

If it sounds like I’m raving, that’s because I’m not just a contributor, but a huge fan.  So grab a cuppa or a glass of wine and relax while you visit The Calm Space, a virtual day spa for the senses.

  1. smallbusinessdiva 17 years ago

    What a great site! Thanks for the link.

  2. Avatar photo Author
    creatingorderfromchaos 17 years ago

    Glad you could stop by for a visit. And thank you!

  3. Karen Wallace 17 years ago

    Angela, you’re a very valuable part of The Calm Space. We’re honoured you write for us each month, and that you have made The Organising Space your very own.

    Thanks for raving!!!

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