People call on my help for all kinds of different reasons. I often hear the words “I’m desperate”. Today’s call was a first though.

Christmas Decorations

Today’s call came from a woman whose Christmas is not complete without the wonderful handmade-by-her-children Christmas decorations adorning her tree, and she couldn’t find those treasures anywhere!

So I ducked into the nearest phone booth and changed into my superhero suit. Only kidding. Actually it was comfortable shoes and cool clothes – it’s hot here in Melbourne! And off I went to the rescue.

But by the time I’d arrived the missing Christmas decorations had been located. Phew! Unfortunately, they were in someone else’s house! It seems the wrong box had been moved from the garage.

But never fear, I was invited inside, handed a cold glass of water and I got to work on another project instead. I whipped an unruly pantry cupboard into shape just in time for the Christmas rush. I love my work!


  1. Can i have the video of the superwoman in the phone booth thingy?
    But seriously, this is the real Angela coming out to play!
    Keep em coming cos I LOVE her humour!!

  2. Avatar photo Author
    creatingorderfromchaos 17 years ago

    I’m glad you enjoyed it, Chris. Thanks for the visit!

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