Here it comes!  It’s the great big Creating Order 2009 Declutter Challenge!  And I want you to be a part of it.

Back on December 8th I had a crazy idea.  I was wondering how I could inspire my readers to declutter in 2009 when it came to me.  2009’s a pretty big number.  What if I lead the way by decluttering 2009 items from my home/life in 2009?  Great idea, huh?

And then the doubt crept in.  I’m already pretty organised, will I find that many items to declutter?  The math works out to over 38 items per week, over 5 items per day.

Well, I love a challenge.  If I succeed it will be well worth it.  If I fail it will be spectacular and I’m willing to risk it.  How about you?  Will you be in it with me?

How will it work?  Each week I’ll let you know what I’ve decluttered, why and how.  I’ll keep a tally and it’ll be fun to watch it grow.  All items count.  3 magazines and 4 books counts as 7 items, not 2.  (Or I’ll never get there!)

How can you participate?  Declutter with me.  Tell me about it.  Leave a comment or send an email.  I’ll post your decluttering successes too.  Go on, what have you got to lose, except clutter?  As a further incentive, there will be spot prizes along the way.

Predict the date I’ll reach the magic number of 2009 items decluttered (entries due via email to by January 31st 2009) to win the bonus prize of a signed copy of Wendy Davie’s The Accidental Organiser.

Officially we start tomorrow, but if you’re as excited as I am, go ahead and start decluttering right now.

  1. Julie Bestry 16 years ago

    2009 items? If you were a client, I’d say you could do it by March. But we professional organizers are fairly good about keeping the clutter to a minimum.

    This is an excellent project for you, and a superb challenge to your readers. I hope you’ll remind us all via Twitter to keep coming back to check your progress.

    Will you have themes, like a week of decluttering from your kitchen, or a month that’s all about decluttering memorabilia and things from the 20th century?

  2. Avatar photo Author
    creatingorderfromchaos 16 years ago

    Hmm, themes. Great suggestion, Julie, and the possibilities are endless. I wonder where this year and this challenge will take me?

    Yes, you can count on Twitter updates.

  3. Chris 16 years ago

    You truly are brilliant.
    This just might get the work in the bathroom cupboards and the pantry started!

  4. Avatar photo Author
    creatingorderfromchaos 16 years ago

    @ Chris – I’m glad to hear you’re inspired. That’s the idea.

    @ all – the email predictions are flooding in and there’s quite a variation, but so far everyone has confidence I’ll finish the task within the year. I’ve also already had reports of items being decluttered. Great!

  5. Karen Wallace 16 years ago

    Count me in Angela! We’re building a new home this year, so I plan to be totally decluttered and streamlined before we move to our new home – hopefully before Christmas 2009… I’m thinking I could almost double it, but maybe I am not quite that brave.

    This is a wonderful idea. Thank you for the motivation – you’re always an inspiration to me!

    Hmm, let me think about when you’ll reach your target…

  6. Ulla Hennig 16 years ago

    Your post comes absolutely at the right time! Yesterday I began decluttering – I had three carrier bags full with old magazines – two of them already went to the trash can (I didn’t count the number of magazines, though). Great idea!

  7. Avatar photo Author
    creatingorderfromchaos 16 years ago

    @ Karen and Ulla – great to hear the timing is right for you both. It’ll be fun to see how much we can all achieve together.

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  9. Pam 16 years ago

    My husband has been trying to de-clutter me for ages and I seem to have been getting worse and worse. This comes at the perfect time. I have made myself a spreadsheet that automatically comes up with weekly and monthly totals. Today I have already filled one bag of rubbish and 3 bags for charity, a total of 27 things!
    I’m exicted and my husband is over the moon!
    Thankyou for the challenge.

  10. Angela Lee 16 years ago

    What I used last year and she has a new one this year:

    She has different areas that you can declutter each day

  11. Avatar photo Author
    creatingorderfromchaos 16 years ago

    @ Pam – I’m impressed your charity bags outnumber your rubbish bags. If you collect enough bags many charities will come to you to collect them, which can save you time and effort.

    @ Angela Lee – thanks for the tip. We can use any tools that make the job more interesting or easier.

  12. Rachel 16 years ago

    We’re in!! My hubby and I are very excited about participating in this and have told lots of friends about it too. We recently sorted our linen closet and donated a whole lot of sheets and blankets to a womens shelter house. We have a `donation station’ that we put things in that are still useful and in good condition that we no longer need.

  13. Rachel 16 years ago

    Hi again,

    Pam just wondering if you’d mind sharing your spreadsheet and save me completing my own??


  14. Chrissy 16 years ago

    Me too, I have started my 2009 off by de-junking the kids closet as well as mine. We have donated 2 bags of toys, and 3 bags of clothes to the second hand store. It really feels good to give and clean at the same time. I thought I would start it off in a good way that way it gives me the rest of the year to make an oopsie haha.. just kidding…
    I actually finished a book I got over the holidays called Your Spacious Self, by the award winning author Stephanie Bennett Vogt. She is amazing. You can tell she is/was a teacher by the way she is. Just a wonderful book to read if you are looking to learn a bit about yourself as well as learn the right way to clean. I know a lot of people have their own ways to do things, and that’s fine, but for me – i had to borrow her way because it was the only way it would work and so far I’m feeling great and just wanted to pass on the message. More about Stephanie Bennett Vogt is located at her website.

  15. Pam 16 years ago

    I’ll sort one out tonight and post a link.

  16. Rachel 16 years ago

    Thanks 🙂

  17. Pam 16 years ago

    Sorry Rachel, I’m having trouble getting my spreadsheet finished to something I can post. I really only made it in Excel. You can use any type of calendar actually and listing about five and a half things a day. I’m just not able to think hard enough at the moment as I’m not very well and my poor little Pooh Bear brain isn’t functioning that well today.
    You could also just make a table up in Word and fill it in. Sorry I can’t be of much help at the moment.

    Pam 🙂

    PS: I’m up to 145 items decluttered !!!!!!!!!!!

  18. Avatar photo Author
    creatingorderfromchaos 16 years ago

    Wow, we’re getting up to some amazing figures already. I can feel success in the air.

    @ Pam – sorry to hear you’re feeling under the weather. Rest up and take care.

    @ Chrissy – “It really feels good to give and clean at the same time.” Well said!

    @ Rachel – It’s great to take a team approach to decluttering the household. A few people have let me know their partners are on board too.

  19. Kay Parker 16 years ago

    Hi Angela,
    I am really enjoying this challenge. It gives me permission to get rid of stuff. Why keep clothes and make you look washed out or fat. I’m up to 56 already.

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  21. Lindy 16 years ago

    Well, I am up to 102 items already and I haven’t done any for the past 3 days because I have been busy with work. Look out week end!!!!
    I am really enjoying this although it is becoming a bit addictive!!

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  24. Nancy 16 years ago

    Decluttering 2,009 items for 2009 is a wonderful idea – very creative. I’ve been decluttering for years, so have already donated tons of stuff to various charities, so it is not as easy at this point to find stuff to get rid of. But, every year I do this and every year I do find lots that we don’t really need. I took pictures of the piles of donated items before we hauled the stuff off.
    I haven’t kept track of the things I’ve thrown in the trash; old file papers such as old instructions and warranties, old makeup, medicine cabinet clutter, etc. I’ve also given two complete sets of cutlery and a coffee cup to my son’s friend who is moving into his own apartment.
    I look for possiblities! That’s why I follow blogs such as this, to get new ideas for simplifying our living space – and life. Good luck to all and happy decluttering.

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