Christmas has come early for me, and I couldn’t be happier.  Nick and his team at Artful have done a wonderful job.  I want to spread the joy.  So please visit my new website, have a poke around, then send me an email from the contact form.  I would love to hear your feedback but a simple hello will do.  Then I’ll send you 50 Easy Tips for Creating Order with my compliments.

  1. Guido 16 years ago

    Nice website, very neat.
    Keep up the blog, and let us know what your big, inspirational idea is!

  2. macpug 16 years ago

    Love the great organization — but that’s the plan, right? 🙂 Very pleasing, easy on the eye. I’ve been looking thru your tips and have found the site very informative. Cheers!

  3. Deb 16 years ago

    Love the new website. It’s that organizing time of year so I have been surfing around, finding new sites to check out for tips and tricks. I look forward to more information.

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